During the consultation in your home, I will briefly explain who I am, how I work, and in general, what I can do for you.

We might discuss topics, such as:

  • your interest in hiring an experienced designer at this time
  • the space(s) in your home that you would like to change
  • the purpose or function this place is currently serving and its value to you
  • the importance of this space in your daily life or that of your family
  • your expectations of the project and of me
  • your ideas about what needs to change in the designated space
  • your image of how the that space will look when the project is completed

We can ask questions of each other. You might express any concerns you have about rearranging the furniture and other items in the room you want re-designed.

I’ll explain to you when and why I think we need to work together on your project. You can tell me how involved you might want to be in the project or when you want to be involved.  We may need to negotiate when and/or how often we will work together.

When we have covered what we each wanted to cover, we will set up a date for our meeting at which time I will present you with my proposal.